Greetings HMM Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary Intercessors and Kingdom Family,
Well hallelujah and hallelujah again! Just stop for a few moments "in the midst of it all" and meditate upon His Majesty's goodness and faithfulness to us! What a covenant-keeping, faithful God we serve. Amen.
We would like to praise God for an anointed time of praise, worship, intercession, teaching, personal ministry, shofar blowing with strong warfare intercession and Jericho March, and a fellowship meal at His Majesty's table at the Kingdom Queens and Kingdom Kings Gathering here at HMM Headquarters on November 14th. How thankful we are for those who have gathered to be a part of this "new move" of God during our Gatherings for the past four months. Many have also joined us in the Spirit for which we will be forever grateful. Thank you all who have attended in the Spirit and in person. Amen. What a work God has done in and through us in every area worldwide as we have "heavy duty" done spiritual warfare, united together and prayed the Prayer Of Agreement sealing our prayers and work with Communion. PTL!
We want to encourage each of you HMM Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary Intercessors to continue to faithfully meet in the Spirit weekly praying the Prayer of Agreement and partake of Communion with all the other HMM Intercessors, us and all those who are praying with us who are not HMM Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary Intercessors. God isn't through with His work in America and worldwide yet and it is not over until God says it is over. Amen. Prayer changes adverse circumstances into heavenly circumstances. The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17)!
Romans 1:17 (Darby)
17 for righteousness of God is revealed therein, on the principle of faith, to faith: according as it is written, But the just shall live by faith.
We love you, appreciate you and thank you HMM Intercessors and Kingdom Family for your faithfulness to His Majesty, the establishment of His Kingdom and us, and for not giving up because of what you are seeing in the natural realm. Praise God for your "bull dog" faith and tenacity to release your faith standing on the Word of God and to pray, pray, pray like you have NEVER prayed before. How heaven and we applaud you! Amen.
Please join us in giving God praise and honor for "gifting" us with Assistant Marita Brokenshaw, an anointed graphic artist. Be greatly blessed by the attached Thanksgiving Greeting she designed to bless us all! Our hats are off to His Majesty and you, Assistant Marita! It is our prayer the Lord will bless each of you, your families, churches and ministries with an "over-the-top" Thanksgiving! To you International HMM Intercessors we invite you to join us in the Spirit as we give God praise and all the glory in thanksgiving (Psalm 136)! We encourage everyone to pray the entire chapter. HMM Worldwide Intercessors and Kingdom Family "nothing is too hard for God" and "nothing is impossible with God" (Je. 32:27; Luke 1:37). Have faith and believe God! Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving Your Majesty from HMM and your Kingdom Family and Happy Thanksgiving from our hearts to each of yours in Jesus' name. Amen.
Numbers 6:24-26 (KJV)
24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
His Majesty loves you all! See you in the Spirit . . .
Love, intercessions, joy, peace, thanksgiving, gratitude, faith, believe God, divine interventions, reversals, turnarounds, miracles, signs, wonders, unity, shalom,
Minister Troy and Prophetess Sharyn
His Majesty Ministries
PO Box 2287
Burleson, TX 76097
"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,
and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place."
(2 Corinthians 2:14, KJV)
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto the death."
(Revelation 12:11, KJV)